1000 words
Practicing writing requires writing, and I have a lot of writing to do. There’s a lot of writing I want to do. Short stories, long stories, movies and tv, writing about water bottles, gadgets, and hikes through the trees. Anything I can wrap my head around and even some things I can’t. I want to write, I like to write, and in the end I’ll write.
There is a goal I have in mind, maybe you can see it, maybe you can find. That 1000 words per day is what I hope to achieve one day.
Ok, sorry about that, I got lost trying to rhyme. Discovering that I enjoy writing is still surprising to me, so I don’t want to put a lid on any creative ideas that come into mind. Whatever the style, whatever the subject.
I know, more than anyone, that my writing now is rough. Especially around the edges. So I’ll practice and practice, then practice some more. I won’t immediately start with 1000 words a day, that would be a disaster. Like me trying to run a marathon right now, I’d pass out within the first two minutes. It might sound weird, but I think I have to practice writing before I practice writing. Practice getting into that space where everything clicks, where the world stops, and I can create something that lives and breathes through these written words.
One article a day. Of course I’ll try to write them as best I can, but I can’t promise a good reading experience out the gate. Again, whatever the subject, whatever the style, just one webpage per day. That’s the current goal.
I don’t know how long it will take, but I do believe that eventually, everything will start falling into place. That it will become easier to find that spark, and that my words and ideas will start to connect more often to create beautifully written pictures. Because as someone once said, I’ve never looked up who, a picture is worth a thousand words. And I’m trying to write one picture per day.