The Elliptical

There I was, standing somewhere I really didn't want to be, about to do something I really didn't want to do. Everything about the elliptical annoys me. The ear shattering beeps that make me flinch every time I select an option. The high-pitched squeaking when it moves, no matter how much WD-40 I spray on its joints. The blinding blue light of the monitor that won't dim, no matter where I look. But most of all, it is just so incredibly boring. Yet here I am. Again.

I’ll be the first to admit, I’ve put on a couple pounds in the last few years. I didn’t notice exactly how many lbs until I walked by a mirror without a shirt. I glanced over, and my immediate thought was, “Oh, now that’s a belly.” Then I looked down and played the belly drum for a good couple minutes. It jiggled. I laughed. Afterwards, I stood there, belly now slightly red in the reflection, and took a deep breath. “It’s time,” I said out loud.

I’ve been putting off exercising for years. I know it. My family knows it. My friends know it. There’s nothing wrong with my current weight and I do so enjoy having a portable beat maker. But I want to go on longer walks, I want to go on longer hikes, I want to start riding my bike again. That’s why I’m here. Staring at this irritating exercise machine. Also, I hate when people talk about how in shape I used to be. I wasn't. This time, the shape will be real.

I’m starting today. Ten minutes of half-decent exercise is all I'm asking of myself. Eventually (and I'm talking far in the future), I’ll work my way up to twenty minutes of good exercise. But not today. Know your limits at the start. Take it slow. Go step by step, and one at a time. That’s my advice to myself and anyone else. I’ll let you know how it goes, one squeaky stride at a time.