To a tea company
I wrote about appreciation letters but forgot to include one of my own. Here's one from earlier today that I sent to a tea company.
I know it’s a bit on the early side for an email, but I just woke up and haven’t been able to fall back asleep. When my eyes opened a couple minutes ago, a thought started buzzing around in my brain. “Since I’m awake, why not make a cup of tea” the thought asked. I, myself, am not usually an enthusiastic early riser but today will be different. I recently bought a couple of your teas, and one has quickly become a new favorite, your apple cinnamon chamomile. The flavors blend so incredibly well. It might sound weird, but I can taste how an apple pie smells. Yep, reading that back does sound weird, but it’s true nonetheless. What I mean is that it’s a very comfortable taste. Before I get up to make a cup, I wanted to take some time to tell you how much I’ve been enjoying it. Take care and have a great day. Cheers.